
Catch the Moment 365- Week 2

I can’t believe it’s still so early in the new year as so much has been jammed into the last couple weeks. I’m surprised I’ve managed to pick up myDSLR almost every day so far. I think it’s only been one or two where I’ve fallen back on an iPhone picture. Here we go with week 2!

Nurse Loves Farmer
Read more on Nurse Loves Farmer: http://www.nurselovesfarmer.com/catch-moment-365/


Catch the Moment 365- Week 1

Here are the photos from days 4 through 9. Check out the link up at Nurse Loves Farmer


Catch the Moment 365

Back in 2011 I started my first 365 Project, a photo a day for 365 days. I made it to day 325ish and then it just fizzled out. That’s not to say that I stopped taking pictures or stopping learning but I just didn’t make it a daily commitment to take a photo. The first few months of pregnancy with Zoey I took very few pictures, I was working full time with a just turned one year old and was exhausted most of the time. I don’t enjoy looking back and seeing how few pictures I have from those months, and how little I captured. I’m hoping that by commiting to another 365 I won’t have those holes in our family albums again!
I’ve joined a wonderful and supportive community started by Sarah @ Nurse Loves FarmerStephanie @ Behind the Camera and Dreaming andMindi @ Simply Stavish. There will be nearly 90 other bloggers will be posting their 365 photos on Fridays. You can head to anyone of the previously mentioned blogs to see the link up for all the blogs!
If you want to commit to a 365 join us on Facebook .
I’m 3 for 3 so far…that’s a good start to the year right ;)

And just for funsies here’s my very first Project 365 Photo from 2011 in all it’s blurry, underexposed and limb choppy goodness!