
Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming

I'm not particularly fond of those times in life where my only motivation is to just get through each day but when they happen you just have to deal with them. The -25 (degrees Celsius) snowy weather is not helping but on the plus side I get to spend lots of time under blankets.

I did a card making class today with some of my friends from work. While I enjoyed getting out and doing something new the creative aspect of the class was pretty blah... I felt limited by the specific steps I was supposed to follow and the very few supplies provided. At least I made 15 Christmas cards, now I just have to remember to send them.

The countdown to the end of my practicum is on, I'm more than halfway through! Soon I will be able to organize my house, finish painting rooms, decorate, and craft away to my hearts content. Until then I just need to remember...


Thankful Tuesday- Inspired by Hoot-n-Annie

I was taking a quick glance through my Google Reader before writing this post (okay I should say simultaneously as I'm a "3-windows-open-with-15-tabs-a-piece-kind-of-gal") and Hoot-n-Annie's post "Thankful Tuesday" popped up. Her blog is relatively new to me but I love it- I think it took me about 2.5 seconds to add her to my list of must-reads! The reminder to be thankful was just what I needed today. I'm in the middle of a practicum to finish my education degree. I'm not even sure I want to be a teacher anymore which means I've been seeing a lot more of the negative in life lately. But isn't it always better to look on the bright side?

I am thankful for:

My hubs who has been extremely understanding about me doubting my future as a teacher. <3

My Kindle with its 8 Sookie Stackhouse novels- guilty pleasure and oh-so-addicting.

Heated/electric blankets- the weather has taken a turn for the nasty cold today and cuddling up under it is magnificent.

The alarm not going off this morning. I woke up with more than enough time to get ready but those extra 20 minutes of sleep were much needed.

This is not my alarm clock but I wish it was. From robstephaustralia's Flickr

A large glass of very icy Diet Pepsi. One of my favourite treats lately!
(True story: I told my students I had a treat for them to go along with their weekly poem, the "treat" was a musical version of the poem which greatly disappointed them as they were expecting candy. No, 6 and 7 year olds, I'm not giving you a lollipop at 8:45 am!!!!!!! It also resulted in a two minute explanation of how the word "treat" does not always mean candy.)

So now that I've reminded myself what I am thankful for I am going to curl up in my electric blanket beside my hubs, drink an icy Diet Pepsi and read some Sookie Stackhouse.

Perfect end to a Tuesday!


Little Words

As a teacher you get to hear some amazing things. Sometime they are parts of conversations between the little ones and sometimes they are said directly to you. Young children have a way of speaking their mind in a way that we adults don't. Some of the things I hear make me giggle, bring a tear to my eye or just make me scratch my head.

Today's little words:

One of the most sincere comments I've received in my life...amazing that it came from a seven year old! 
(Check out the "credits" page for photo background info!)


Reasons to Smile

(see credit page for photo credit)

Today was definitely a good day, great professional development session, long walk, new sweater, blog launch, couch time with the hubs. Seems unusual for a Monday!

Lucy Takes the Long Way Home...

I'm fairly certain that I was the last person on earth to realize that YouTube has music videos. Did you know about this???
With my new found knowledge I've been able to find some amazing music to listen to. I have a current obsession with Jeremy Messersmith.

There is something about his music that just makes me want to close my eyes and bury myself under blankets. Plus he is just so darn cute with those glasses.
Check him out in these places:
His YouTube Channel
I'm always looking for new music to listen so if you know of any spiffy tunes let me know!