I am thankful for:
My hubs who has been extremely understanding about me doubting my future as a teacher. <3
My Kindle with its 8 Sookie Stackhouse novels- guilty pleasure and oh-so-addicting.
Heated/electric blankets- the weather has taken a turn for the nasty cold today and cuddling up under it is magnificent.
The alarm not going off this morning. I woke up with more than enough time to get ready but those extra 20 minutes of sleep were much needed.
This is not my alarm clock but I wish it was. From robstephaustralia's Flickr
A large glass of very icy Diet Pepsi. One of my favourite treats lately!
(True story: I told my students I had a treat for them to go along with their weekly poem, the "treat" was a musical version of the poem which greatly disappointed them as they were expecting candy. No, 6 and 7 year olds, I'm not giving you a lollipop at 8:45 am!!!!!!! It also resulted in a two minute explanation of how the word "treat" does not always mean candy.)
So now that I've reminded myself what I am thankful for I am going to curl up in my electric blanket beside my hubs, drink an icy Diet Pepsi and read some Sookie Stackhouse.
Perfect end to a Tuesday!
oh goodness, the sookie stackhouse series is def a guilty pleasure of mine. i have every single one of them!