Recently, Lindsay from LDC Designs has shared some great ideas about finding new blogs to follow as well as asking her readers some questions about how many blogs they follow and which ones are their favourites. Her five suggestions for finding new blogs are exactly how I discovered all the great blogs I read!
Every once in a while I stop to think of the amazing world of inspiration and wonderful people I've discovered since I first stumbled across Bleubird Vintage (fun fact: I have no idea how I found it but James' blog was the first one I found in the DIY, crafty, vintage etc blog world. Also it took me about 4 months to realize it wasn't spelled Bluebird...) sometime around a year ago. Amazing that there are all these talented people out there with so many brilliant ideas and interesting lives.
I want to echo what Lindsay said about following those smaller and newer blogs as I strongly believe that too (and not just because I only have three followers!). We all know that it can be discouraging to think that no one reads what we post. Sometimes we stop posting altogether and then that is frustrating for people who do eventually discover your blog and love it only to find you never write anymore.
One of my goals for the year is to follow smaller blogs and comment regularly. I always feel a bit awkward commenting and sort of putting myself out there but I'm going to do it anyways! I also think about the fact that all of us small time bloggers may just be the next big thing and wouldn't it be great to say you followed them when???
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