
Catch the Moment Week 15

Once again my numbers don't exactly match up with the week but at least this time they include the proper week. Spring was here and now its snowing again so there's that. 

Making Saturday morning pancakes.

First taste of spring and puddle jumping this year.

Oh look it's warm enough to go out in just a sweatshirt.

Zoey needs to get in on the action every once in a while. This also happened to be my 10,001st picture on my camera!

Won't be needing the sprinkler for a while, the snow is taking care of the watering again for us...

There is a special sort of joy when mom lets you jump on the bed...

Matching nightgowns for her and Dora.

Zoey FINALLY enjoys her baths. And has awesome Ella styled hair to show for it.

Celebrating Papa's birthday. Zoey is just so excited she can't help but squeeze her own cheeks.

My dad did this to me when I was little and I have a very similar picture of me. When Ella found the tensor bandage and said, "What's this?" I knew exactly what was going to happen.

Magic carpet rides in the kitchen.

I feel like this is a preview to her teenage scowl.

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Nurse Loves Farmer
Read more on Nurse Loves Farmer: http://www.nurselovesfarmer.com/catch-moment-365/

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!! What great photos. Your girls are too cute!
