
Productive Day!

Even though I'm still very much in lazy vacation mode I feel like I accomplished a lot today.
I'm nearly finished organizing my craft room. I still have some boxes to bring in from the garage but everything that is currently in the house in that room is organized. I will post some (embarrassing) before and after pictures soon.

My iPhone is now organized, I went down from three pages of barely used folders of apps to a single page and only 6 folders! (#86 on the list)

My Google Reader is minus a few blogs that I either never read or are never updated. I also either read or "marked as read" all the unread posts. I was at nearly 300 unread items. Yikes! (#69 on the list)

We've decided that January will be our 30 days of no eating out, #80 on the list. Of course I'm hoping that we will cut down on eating out even after these 30 days but for now I'm just focusing on 30 days of home cooking. Tonight was day number 1. Our cupboards are a little bare so our meal was nothing spectacular but tomorrow we are going grocery shopping and I have some great meals planned! 

I also made chocolate chip cookie dough to be baked tomorrow, of course we had to eat some tonight! 

The lovely mixer I used wedding gift cards to purchase. I feel like I have a grown up kitchen now :)

So today was a day of lots of ACTION! Woohoo! Hope yours was productive as well. If you are heading back to work tomorrow, I will think of you as I sleep in til 11 am. 

PS. Now that I am done student teaching I've decided to blog with my real first name. Em is just the first letters of my two last names. Just thought I would let my 3 readers know that so they aren't too confused! 


  1. Oo, I am so jealous you have a Kitchenaid mixer! My mother has promised me one for a wedding present since I've been drooling over hers for years, lol.

  2. I love it! We special ordered it from the States because they only have red, white and silver in Canada! You'll love it too!
