
Reusable Containers- After

I'm so sick of snow and cold. This morning with the windchill it was -29 C/ - 20 F. Friday is supposed to be -39 C/-38 F with the windchill. I was planning on going to the school I volunteer at but since I have to bus it across the city with like 4 transfers that is SO NOT happening! I am completely happy to just stay in my warm cozy house under a lot of blankets!

I finished sorting and organizing the reusable containers today. I found some great colourful baskets at the dollar store and four of them fit great on the shelf. Each basket contains a different brand of containers with one of the back ones also containing a couple Bento boxes and cereal containers. Now I just have to pull the basket out and take it to the counter when packing up food.

Reminder of the before:

Containers everywhere!

And the after:

You can see in the first two pictures that the rest of the cupboard is still a disaster but just avert your eyes and pretend you didn't see that... One step at a time! 

My week one of the 52 Week Organizing Challenge is officially done and it is only halfway through week 2! Alright! 

For my week two project I'm going to organize all my stickers. I have a container full and never use them because I can never find what I'm looking for! More on that later... 

Hope your week one of the challenge has gone well :) 

1 comment:

  1. Visiting from "52 Weeks of Organizing" ... great progress on your first project! Enjoy ... I think it is great to break organizing projects down into weekly projects ... makes it possible, and is a great motivator.
