
101 List Update

Its been a month since I posted my 101 list for the first time. 
In January I....

#6. Worked on organizing my craftroom.

In the middle of sorting. 
It looks a lot better now! I swear!

#22. Cook 1 new recipe every month. 

I made a few new things this month- cornbread (delicious) hamburger buns (massive fail) and salmon (a new favourite). 

#23. Have a date night once a month. 

Hubs and I went on a few dates this month. I know that finding time for date nights is going to be more challenging once the baby arrives so getting in the habit now will make it easier!

#24. Use up all existing yarn before buying anymore.

I've been loving the look of crochet lately, so I've been slowly teaching myself. 

#33. Scrapbook all printed out pictures.

I've been sorting, cropping and corner rounding. Only about half the pictures done but I'm getting there. Now to get them onto paper and into albums!

#38. Declutter everything!

Through the 52 Weeks of Organizing I've managed to get rid of some items we don't need. 

#52. Update progress on list once a month. 

You're reading it!

#55. Read 30 books. 

I read the #8 Sookie Stackhouse book and the Hunger Games this month. Both were great!

#67. Organize every room and space. 

Working on it with the 52 Weeks of Organizing challenge. 

#69. Edit Google Reader once every 3 months. 

I did this early in January so I'm not due to do it again until April but I might just do it again soon. I find I have too many blogs I just skim over or don't read.

#76. Go through PVR once a month. 

Got rid of about 7 movies that were sitting on there since October that we OBVIOUSLY were not going to get around to watching. 

#86. Organize iPhone every 3 months.

Feels so nice to have a clutter free phone.

#93. Organize iPhoto. 

This has been probably the most frustrating thing I've dealt with lately. After spending a good 5-6 hours trying to sort it all out I got so frustrated that I copied all the photos onto a file on the desktop, twice, and then deleted my iPhoto library. I've been slowly adding in photos to avoid getting overwhelmed. I had 11'375 photos in the library to begin with so we'll see how many are left after I'm done!

While I haven't been able to actually cross anything off the list I have managed to make progress on a lot of the items which feels like big success to me!

If you are working on a 101 list or something similar leave me a link as I'd love to check it out!

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