
Wise Words

One of my favourite parts of the 52 Week Challenge has been checking out everyone else's projects. There are so many great ideas, pictures and inspirations from all the participants. 

While looking at Yvette's (she's one of my followers, yay!) responses to Laura's questions I experienced yet another a-ha moment. I literally read and re-read her post because of how powerful I found her words. 

I smiled when she first said that she saw the common theme of people wanting to "be in control" as I had noticed that too. I thought about that as one of my reason's at first but then realized, for myself, that could lead down a road I don't want to go. I have had to learn I can't always control everything that goes on in my life and that it's not healthy for me to attempt to. It shoots my anxiety through the roof and makes me a very unhappy person. It also just reminds me of all the accounts of eating disorders where it starts with the person "just wanting to be in control of something".

I loved, loved, loved Yvette's statement: 

"I want to get be organised because"

I've been thinking of being organized as a place to get to. When I'm organized I'll... But getting to a place where you are organized, staying there and BEING organized is so much more important. Looking at it as a way of doing things and living your life. A way of being. 

One of her reasons for organizing was:

"we can use what we have without duplicating unnecessarily, better for our environment (personal and global)"

While I haven't vocalized it this is another my reasons for being organized as well. We've been focusing on purchasing only what we NEED as opposed to buying for the sake of buying. I've also been thinking about this a lot in relation to pregnancy and our baby. I have very strong feelings about bringing a "little stuff consumer" into the world. Being organized, I'm hoping, will help keep our consumption of this world to a minimum. 

I'll also share a little bit of her a-ha moment because it sparked another of mine!

"We also cling to things that represent who we used to be or who we would like to be"

I know I do this. I know other people who do this. I'm pretty sure we all do this. But wouldn't it be so much better to have our spaces represent who we are RIGHT NOW and in the best way possible. I am not a 16 year old girl in high school anymore so why would I want to have a nightstand cluttered with the jewelry I bought back then but never wear. I'm not the 19 year old party girl I once was so those pictures shouldn't be the only ones in frames. I am a wife, a new home owner, a reader, a crafty person, a soon to be mom and so much more. My space should tell those things about me, about who I am right now! 

I highly recommend you go and read Yvette's post. These are just a few of my thoughts on what she has written and I'm sure she'll inspire you as well! 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent thoughts and excellent post! Heading over to check out Yvette's post now too :-)
