
We Went to the Park

On Sunday we went to a park by my parent's place to take some pictures of them and Ella. 
Minus the diaper blowout within oh, thirty seconds of being at the park, it was a lot of fun!

Today Ella has her 2 month immunizations. Roy also has to get a booster of one of his so he took the day off. I'm the only one that gets to be needle free today! But I think the plethora of needles and other medical devices I encountered during pregnancy and birth makes up for that! We may get the chance to go to a movie this afternoon if Ella does okay with the shots. Scene kindly emailed me the other day to mention that I haven't been to a movie in a while. Yes thank you. I know. 8 weeks and 3 days to be exact. (I only know that because we saw Horrible Bosses the night before Ella was born...I'm not obsessed with how often we go to the movies...) We have no idea what is even playing anymore so hopefully there is something good!

1 comment:

  1. gorgeuos pictures!!! i hate it when my babies have to get shots! :(
