
100 Happy Days Here at 701

During Spring Break a friend/co-worker and I were chatting about our previous few months at work. After facing a lot of not so positive days she said she was ready to start being happier and focus on the good. She told me she had signed up for the 100 Happy Day Challenge and was starting our first day back to work. Having read about and seeing some pictures posted on Instagram it took absolutely no convincing for me to join her!

When you visit the 100 Happy Days site you are greeted with these words:

"Can you be happy for 100 days in a row?"

Who wouldn't want that? I'm a realist of course, I know its not possible to be 100% happy all the time but it's definitely worth it to work towards being a bit happier every day.

I chose to document my 100 Happy Days with my iPhone and on Instagram with the hashtag #100happydayshereat701

With doing a 365 I thought I might be a bit insane to take on another photo project, however most days I've still managed to take two separate photos. I have another month long photo project coming in May (more info on that tomorrow!) so we'll see how I survive all three at the same time!

I'm only 22 days into my 100 Happy Days but I love how I am forced each day to look for the happy. At first it was just for the purpose of having a picture to post but now this more optimistic outlook is starting to become second nature for me. Lots of traffic on the way to work? More time to listen to music. Tired of cooking? I have access to food any time I need it. Cranky children? The knowledge that their laughter will eventually replace the whining.

If you haven't participated in the 100 Happy Days project I highly encourage you to sign up! Or even do a week, you won't regret it!

Here is my #100happydayshereat701 so far!

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