
Catch the Moment Week 16

Yet another week of the year is gone! Except for the weekend I relied pretty heavily on my iPhone to capture our days. Oh how I long to upgrade to an iPhone 5! I'm making it a priority this week to use my DSLR. 

Zoey was looking incredibly cool during our Ikea wanderings on Friday. Jeans and converse are my favourite!

Ella enjoy her easter presents while Zoey looks at them longingly.

Ella pulled out these oranges from the fruit bowl and counted "One-two-three-four!"

Jelly bean hunting at mama and papa's.

The edge of the tub only got fuller after I took this photo.

The girls are starting to play together, even though it mostly involves Zoey destroying the things Ella makes.

Ella was very focused on "fixing" her bandaids on her ankle. 

Thursday required some x-rays to see if there is a reason Ella is waking up screaming about her legs.

Friday ended with jello and relaxing on the couch.

As always, check out the link up to see other Catch the Moment 365 Projects!

Nurse Loves Farmer

Read more on Nurse Loves Farmer: http://www.nurselovesfarmer.com/2014/04/catch-moment-week-16/

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